SpaceBot Cup

Constructor Robotics, then still under the previous name Jacobs Robotics, was one of ten teams that qualified for the SpaceBot Cup organized by the  Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).

The SpaceBot Cup is a competition where mobile robots have to explore a planetary surface with a high degree of autonomy. The robots do not only have to autonomously navigate through the environment but they are also expected to find objects, pick them up, and to assemble them completely on their own. The team has about half a year to develop a complete system. The project started in March 2013. The final competition where all ten teams demonstrated their solutions took place beginning of November 2013.

See the following video of the Jacobs team to get an overview of our approach for the competition: